Wednesday, August 5, 2015

IOS Upgrade to Stack Switch.

Please follow the next steps to upgrade the entire stack:



If master switch flash (flash 1)  is master here with updated IOS 15.0 Version.


1- Delete the old IOS from switches 2,3 & 4

          switch#delete flash2:<old_image>

          switch#delete flash3:<old_image>

          switch#delete flash4:<old_image>


2- Now we have enough space to upload the new code for the two members. So please upload the image into the flash


3- Verify the integrity of the new image


          switch#verify flash:/<new_image>


4- Change the boot variable for the entire stack

          switch(config)#boot system switch all flash:<new_image>


Note: If the above is not supported we may need to do it manually for each member as like below


          switch(config)#boot system switch 2 flash:<new_image>

          switch(config)#boot system switch 3 flash:<new_image>

          switch(config)#boot system switch 4 flash:<new_image>


5- For both cases we need to save the changes



6- Need to check that we have the correct boot statement on each switch

          switch#show bootvar


7-We can reload the entire stack, after deleted old image, uploaded new one, verified the integrity of the IOS, corrected boot statement.

          Switch#reload slot 3


Just for theory -->   Copying the IOS from TFTP server instead from inside the switch.


IOS File will be -->  16 to 17 Mb


check the space by the command --> dir flash1:


If full then delete the IOS --> Switch#delete flash1: flash:c3750-i5-mz.XXX.bin


If space exist in Flash then copy IOS --> copy tftp: flash1: Address or name of remote host []?

Source filename [c3750−advipservicesk9−mz.122−25.SEE2]? c3750−advipservicesk9−.122−25.SEE2.bin


Set the IOS and reload --> Switch#boot system switch 1 flash:/c3750−advipservicesk9−mz.122−25.SEE2.bin



To Make the Switch as Master :


Switch(config)# switch 3 priority 15


Priority can be range from 1 to 15



Switch#write memory

Switch#reload slot 3 

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